Escrow Service

Escrow Service

FinP2P Escrow service provides various capabilities to the FinP2P Network, one of those is the capability to perform safe payment for Securities (Delivery vs Payment) in asset transfer transaction.

The flow is not actual “atomic” in the technical sense, but its a 2-way transaction that ensures that if A transfers an asset to B, B will transfers an asset to A.

For this flow we use a trusted third party entity, the Escrow Router, to secure one leg, “The Escrow Leg”, of the transaction. This leg is usually associated with a stable digital representation of a fiat currency, but is not mandatory. The Escrow Router will secure the assets from the “Escrow leg”, and will release them based on the outcome of the asset’s transaction leg. The release can have the outcome of moving the assets back to its original owner or to transfer them to the new owner.

The Escrow Router holds accounts for each participant in the transaction, or, in some cases only an account for the buyer, while the seller account may be an address on a public blockchain. To secure assets for the escrow leg the Escrow transaction will first validate if the source account has enough balance.

Table of Contents

Out of Scope

This document does not cover the Escrow account provisioning and funding. A different document will define external interfaces to connect to an external Escrow service.

Escrow Service API

To interact with the Escrow Router, any FinP2P Router has to support the Escrow Service interface

service EscrowService { rpc Transfer(SignedTransferRequest) returns (SignedTransferResponse) {} rpc Hold (SignedHoldRequest) returns (SignedHoldResponse) {} rpc Release(SignedReleaseRequest) returns (SignedReleaseResponse) {} }

Asset Transaction with Escrow

The escrow transaction involves multiple messages between multiple parties: Asset, Buyer, Seller and Escrow.

We have already defined a TransferTransaction between FinP2P Routers. We will call these Routers: BuyerRouter, SellerRouter and AssetRouter. We introduce also the EscrowRouter to define the new interactions.

Asset Service

The Asset service is extended to support a rule base condition parameter that can host multiple implementation of an asset transfer condition.
In this document the Escrow condition is defined and the TransferRequestPayload updated.
Addition of the escrow settlement property indicate to the Asset’s Router that an Escrow service should be involved in the Transfer operation.

Escrow settlement type

message TransferRequest { common.Envelope envelope = 1; ... ... oneof settlement { EscrowPayload escrow = 10; } }

Escrow Payload

message EscrowPayload { uint32 expiry = 1; // time boundary for the escrow to hold the funds for the transaction }

The expiry parameter represent the time to live for the Escrow transaction. This is the time the Escrow will wait before rolling back the escrow transaction. The detailed table of possible states is described later in this document.


The Asset’s Router generates the Escrow Transaction when it receives a TransferRequest with an embedded Escrow condition.

Holding of Assets

Escrow Router perform an Hold operation on a Users Escrow account by allocating a new dedicated Escrow account and securing the specified amount of the Asset in that account, subsequent Release operation may transfer the funds to the designated target account or roll back the funds into the original user account.

Asset’s Router Process Asset Transfer with Escrow:

  1. Besides the normal verification for the AssetTransfer, the FinP2P Router has to validate the Escrow Transaction rules and parameters.

  2. Generates an Asset Transaction ID to identify the asset the requested asset transfer

  3. Creates and calls HoldRequest on the Escrow Service with the data included in the Asset Transfer Transaction

  4. HoldRequest process:

    1. On Success:

      1. Provide Escrow account information where payment is held.

      2. Execute the asset transaction

    2. On Failure: Send Failure response to Asset’s Router

Escrow Contract

The Escrow Service has to guaranty the following:

Guaranties to the buyer:

  1. The escrow holding assets will be released to the seller ONLY if the assets were transferred to the buyer’s account.

  2. If the digital assets transfer failed, the holding assets will be rolled back to the buyer’s account

Guaranties to the seller

  1. The digital assets transfer will be executed only if the Escrow Router has secured a hold to the requested amount of “fiat” ( or other currency ) in the escrow account and the beneficiary of the escrow account is the seller*

  2. If the time to live expires before the assets are transferred to the buyer, The escrow transactions rolls back and the asset transaction cannot complete.

Guaranties to the buyer and seller

  1. If Escrow Transaction time to live expires and the asset transaction was not executed successfully, the holding is rolled back to the buyer.

Processing EscrowID

To minimize the risk of race conditions between Escrow timeouts, Rollback transactions and Asset Transfers, the Seller’s FinP2P Router implements an atomic asset transfer by using the EscrowID as an anchor to the Escrow holdings.

The presence of this Anchor means that the Escrow Service Transaction is alive. If, for any reason, the Anchor is removed, The Escrow Transaction is no longer valid and Asset’s Router MUST not execute the asset transfer.

State Machine

The following table illustrates the different of the Escrow Transaction in relation to the EscrowID Anchor.

EscrowID Anchor

Escrow Transaction

Seller Assets

Buyer funds

EscrowID Anchor

Escrow Transaction

Seller Assets

Buyer funds


Buyer funds still on hold by the Escrow

Not transferred to Buyer

On hold by the Escrow

Invalid ( removed )

Escrow TTL expired
Escrow canceled the transaction and invalidated the EscrowID Anchor

Not Transferred to Buyer

Escrow rollback founds to Buyer’s account


Asset Transaction failed

Escrow rollback founds to Buyer’s account


Assets transferred to Buyer’s Account

Buyer Founds transferred to Seller’s Account

Implementations of the EscrowID Anchor

The EscrowID Anchor is created by the Asset’s FinP2P Router with the data received by the HoldResponse.

There is no mandatory implementation for the state machine, but any FinP2P implementation MUST provide support for the Escrow Contract rules.

This document propose 2 possible solutions that may be implemented by FinP2P Routers:

DLT based Anchor

In this proposal the EscrowID Anchor is represented by a non-fungible asset( NFA ) in the DLT.

This NFA is created by the Seller’s FinP2P Router and its signed by the EscrowRouter.

With the NFA created, the Asset Transfer is created with 2 transactions:

  1. NFA Transaction

    1. Input: NFA

    2. Output: destroy

  2. Asset Transaction

    1. Input: Asset's Seller

    2. Output: Buyer

The transfer succeeds if-and-only-if both transaction succeed. Id the NFA input is invalid or no longer exists, the transaction fail.

Database Based Anchor

This solution is similar, but the NFA is created on a centralized Databased managed by FinP2P Sellers Router.

In this case, the Asset Transaction is executed if-and-only-if the NFA exists in the Database. Once the Asset Transaction starts, the NFA record is locked until the Transaction is committed.

Escrow Termination

On Event Timeout, the Escrow Service has to remove or invalidate the EscrowID Anchor from the Asset’s Router.

We add a new method request to the Asset Service to handle this

Asset Transaction Process

The Escrow validates incoming Hold requests originating from the Asset’s Primary Router which orchestrate the transaction, the Escrow validates the provided signature to insure the buyer permit the Hold operations, only once the signature is validated the buyer’s asset is put on hold.

Escrow will wait for the specified expiry of the Hold operation, in case a receipt containing confirmation of asset transfer between the Seller to the Buyer is not received he will attempt to cancel the Hold operation by contacting the Asset’s primary Router and notifying him about a pending cancellation.

Release holdings

On a successful Asset Transfer Transaction, the escrow is expected to release the holdings and transfer the assets to the Seller’s account.

Release API

When the asset transaction is executed, the Asset’s Primary Router can request the release of the escrow holdings.



Transfer API may be utilize to transfer funds between one user Escrow to another user account, account may be another escrow account on the same Escrow service or external account which is supported by the Escrow service, as indicated by the Payment Assets the escrow published.

Payment Assets

Payment Asset is a new Resource type (104) that indicate to other Routers on the network the list of supported Assets and Accounts which the Escrow supports, the Routers should consult with that list, prior to any interaction with the Escrow Service that provides asset or account information, to avoid immanent failures.

Conversion Rates

Escrow Service may supply rate conversion capability as part of his operations, in case the source and destination account doesn’t share the same underlying Asset a conversion will be made and fees or other charges may be applied.

Interaction with External Services

The FinP2P Escrow Service Router can interact with an exciting Escrow Service by implementing the EscrowService gRPC service and relay the calls to the external service.

In a new document we will define the interaction flows and update this document with any missing functionality to support external services.

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